How to Connect HTML to MySQL: Integrating Web and Database

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Connecting an HTML webpage to a MySQL database can be a valuable way to dynamically display data on your website. For example, you might have a database of products for an online store, and you can use HTML and PHP to display those products on your website.

You can also use this technique to allow users to interact with your database by submitting forms or making other requests through the website. This article will explain the steps to use PHP to connect an HTML webpage to a MySQL database.

connect html to mysql

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Connecting HTML to MySQL Database Easily

Connecting an HTML page to a MySQL database can be a valuable way to display dynamic data on a website. Here, we will walk through the steps required to connect an HTML page and a MySQL database and demonstrate how to use PHP to query and display the data on the HTML page.

Set up a MySQL database

The first step in connecting an HTML page to a MySQL database is to set up a database on your server. If you don’t already have a MySQL database set up, you can create one using a tool such as phpMyAdmin or the MySQL command line interface.

create new database

To create a new database using phpMyAdmin, follow these steps:

  1. Open the phpMyAdmin dashboard in your web browser.
  2. Click the “Databases” tab.
  3. Enter a name for your database in the “Create new database” field, and click “Create.”
  4. To create a new database using the MySQL command line interface, follow these steps:
  5. Open the terminal window to connect to the MySQL server using the MySQL command.
  6. Enter this command to create a new database: CREATE DATABASE database_name.

Once a new database is created, you can set up tables and fields to store the data you want to display on your HTML page. You can use SQL commands like CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO to create tables and add data.

If you are a programmer and work with JS and HTML often, you should learn how to use a JavaScript variable in HTML.

Create a PHP file to connect to the database

You must use a server-side language like PHP to connect to the MySQL database from your HTML page. First, you must create a PHP file that establishes a database connection using the MySQLi extension or PDO (PHP Data Objects).

php database

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Before you can connect your HTML webpage to a MySQL database, you will need to have the following items set up:

  • A MySQL database: You must have a database on a server you can connect to. If you don’t already have a database, you can create one using a tool like phpMyAdmin.
  • PHP installed on your server: You will need to have PHP installed on your server to run the PHP scripts used to connect to the database and execute queries.
  • An HTML webpage: You will need an HTML webpage to connect to the database. This webpage should be hosted on the same server as the database.

Connect to the Database

The first step in connecting your HTML webpage to a MySQL database is creating a PHP script to handle the connection. This script should be placed at the top of your HTML webpage before any HTML tags.

database connection

To create the connection script, you must use PHP’s MySQLi extension. This extension provides functions to connect to a MySQL database and execute queries.

It would be best to use the mysqli_connect() function to connect to the database. This function takes three arguments: the server name, the username, and the password. You must also specify the database name you want to connect to.

Execute a Query

Once successfully connected to the database, you can start executing queries to retrieve or modify data. To execute a query, you will use the mysqli_query() function.

execute query

This function takes two arguments: the connection to the database and the query you want to execute.

See also: What Are Character Functions In SQL?


Can we create an interface using SQL with HTML?

You can create a primary online interface for your SQL database using SQL and HTML without requiring other programming languages. It will also enable you to make the website using predefined or unique HTML components while building it in SQL.

How to send data from HTML to the server?

You must send the server an HTTP POST request to deliver HTML form data in URL-encoded format. Additionally, provide the key=value formatted HTML form data in the POST message's body. Additionally, you must use the Content-Type to identify the data type.

How to show SQL data on any web page?

Send the requested information to the PHP script to display SQL data on any web page. However, the text is first stored in one or more PHP variables before output via echo statements as part of the web page. So, the PHP interpreter completes by providing the web server with a copy of the generated HTML.

How to extract data from any HTML file?

You must work with numerous HTML codes to extract data from a file. Most websites on the internet are HTML-based. Further, web scraper can assist you in obtaining data from any website and particular HTML elements like class and title tags.

How to access MySQL database?

Go to Site Tools > Site > MySQL > phpMyAdmin and select the Access phpMyAdmin button to access a MySQL database. You may find out which database belongs to a given website by visiting Site Tools > Site > MySQL > Databases. Hence, look at the label to identify the database for the website.


Thus, I hope how to connect HTML to  MySQL is clear to you. By following these steps, you can get connected to MySQL in quick seconds.

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