How To Create A Calendar In HTML Using JavaScript

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Users can view the current date and day in a dynamic calendar. With the previous and next icons, you can also view the days of the present, past, or upcoming month. In this article, I will show you how you can easily create a dynamic calendar for yourself by just using JavaScript in HTML. Alternatively, you can learn the five best ways to use a JavaScript variable in HTML and convert String To Date In Javascript In Dd-Mm-Yyyy Format.

See Also: How To Display JSON Data In HTML

How to create calendar in html using javascript

How to create calendar in html using javascript

To make an HTML calendar with JavaScript, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create the UI

The UI element is straightforward to create. These are the key components that we must develop.

  • Make a table with seven columns titled “Sunday” through “Saturday.”
  • To go across the months, create “previous” and “next” buttons.
  • Make dropdowns so users may quickly access any month or year.

Now we have to create a body for the table, and the table’s cells will be dynamically made and filled.

See also: Advanced HTML Tables Examples | How To Create [Detailed Guide]

Step 2: Program writing

The program has a wide range of features. Create a function called showCalendar(month, year) that accepts the two arguments month and year as its initial step. After the function invokes, it dynamically generates HTML calendar and add it to your table.

Acquire the month’s first day, then use –

let firstDay = (new Date(year, month)) . GetDay();

Next, determine how many days are in that month. You can also use the date function for this. Then use –

daysInMonth(iMonth, iYear)
{return 32 — new Date(iYear, iMonth, 32).getDate();

The function new Date(year, month, 32) returns the day that fell on the 32nd of the month. We can find the last day of the month by taking that date from 32. For instance, if we use February 2018 as an example, its “32nd” day will be the Fourth of March; removing 32 from 4 and obtaining 28 leaves us with the 28th day of February 2018.

When the two items get prepared, we fill the table with the numbers 1 through [last day of the month] in the appropriate positions. We’ll place the number 1 below Thursday, the number 2 below Friday, the number 3 below Saturday, and so on if the beginning of that month is Thursday and the ending date is Sunday, 28 is where the loop breaks.

Calendar using javascript

Because there are up to 6 rows and 7 columns, you apply a nested for loop in this situation.

The outer loop creates up to six new “tr” elements or table rows. (the absolute maximum amount of rows required to form the calendar), execute the inner loop to create the items in each row, and then append those rows to our table.

Then insert “td” elements into each row in the inner loop. So, to maintain track of the date, you utilize the variable “date” in it.

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Conditions for iteration

For each iteration, there are three if conditions:

  1. Create a td element and leave it blank if you are in the first row but still need to move on to the first.
  2. If the “date” is greater than the number of days allowed in that month, you have finished building the table and have thus broken out of the loop.
  3. Create a “td” element and print the “date” in it. Here, you may also verify that the day, month, and year we are now on the match today’s date, and you may choose to highlight it if it does.

Implement now the tools for switching between months. You must create a variable called currentYear and currentMonth; its initial values are the current year and month. When the program launches, the call to showCalendar(currentMonth, currentYear) displays the calendar for the current month.

See Also: How To Display Time In HTML Using JavaScript


How can I use JavaScript to construct a calendar in HTML?

Create a function with the parameters elem, year, and month. A calendar for the specified year and month should create by the call and placed within the elem. A week should be represented by tr and a day by td in the calendar's table format. The tabletop should be label with the days of the week, starting with Monday and continuing through Sunday.

What use does the JavaScript calendar serve?

The JavaScript Calendar is a control for displaying the Date and the days of the week. To rapidly find the appropriate Date, it offers month, year, and decade display choices. To limit the date choices, it provides minimum, maximum, and disabled dates.

Why is a calendar necessary?

Calendars are practical tools for remembering impending appointments, due dates, and achievements. They can assist you in seeing your schedule clearly and remind you of significant occasions, including work holidays and vacation days.

In HTML, how can I add a calendar control?

To create a date picker in HTML, we must write input type=' date'> along with additional elements like id, value, etc., as necessary. The input type='datetime-local'> is required to construct a date picker with a dropdown to select the time.

What HTML input type is used for calendars?

A date picker is defined via the input type=' date'> tag. The year, month, and day are all include in the final amount.

How does JavaScript add a date?

The current Date must first obtain using the getDate() function, after which the required number of days must be added, and the additional value must be sent to the setDate() method.

How can JavaScript increase delay?

A global window object's setTimeout() method adds delay to JavaScript functions. With the help of this function, we may specify a specified delay before a function is executed.

How are HTML and JavaScript connected?

JavaScript must be included between the opening (script>) and closing (/script>) tags in HTML and placed either within the head> tag or at the bottom of the body (just before the closing /body> tag). Inline javascript refers to the process of embedding javascript into HTML.

How can I write my own JavaScript event?

The CustomEvent constructor may use to build a custom event: var myEvent = new CustomEvent('my event', 'detail:', 'bubbles:', 'cancelable:', 'composed:', ', ); In the same way that an event can be created using the Event constructor, a custom event can be created using the CustomEvent constructor.

How can JavaScript be faster?

The raw data may be stored using Date. Now (), and the Moment Timezone library can use to interpret and format it. When working with dates, be sure to become used to the moment. Js. This is the most widely used and reputable library for working with dates in js.

How can the calendar display in HTML with local time?

The input type='datetime-local'> tag defines the date picker. The year, month, day, and time are all included in the final figure. To ensure optimum accessibility standards, apply the label tag at all times!


To update the currentMonth and currentYear values and use the function showCalendar to update the calendar, build the functions previous(), next(), and jump(). After finishing the code portion, you may connect everything and enhance the user interface (UI) with some basic bootstrap.

Formatting numbers with commas in JavaScript improves readability and adheres to standard conventions for displaying numerical data in a human-readable format.

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